Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Can I order online?
    Not at this time. Please contact us directly at 440-942-5200 or [email protected].
  2. What payment methods do you accept?
    Checks or cash are preferred. All major credit cards are accepted.
  3. What is your turnaround time?
    Our turnaround time depends on the job, but generally it’s 7-10 days after final art approval and completion of the credit-card authorization form. Please note that sometimes garments are back ordered from our manufacturers, which will cause a delay.
  4. I need my order right away. Can I get my order shipped within three business days?
    It’s possible. If the order is below 50 items, we can ship it to you within 72 hours after final art approval. All rush orders must be placed by 10:00 a.m. EST in order to be shipped out within three business days. If you place the order on a Friday, it will be shipped out Wednesday. A 25% surcharge will be assessed.
  5. Can you make me a custom design?
    Yes, we offer graphic artwork services for a fee.
  6. Why should I do business with Fantastic Embroidery & Screen Printing?
    Our quality is superior, pricing is unbeatable and turnaround time is fast! All embroidery, screen printing and heat-transfer services are done in-house by trained professionals who are committed to customer satisfaction.
  7. Do you sell apparel without printing or embroidery services?
    Yes, contact us for selections or browse our website.
  8. What type of apparel decoration do you offer?
    We offer three different methods:
    Screen Printing: The screen printing process is used to transfer text, logos and other design images to a wide variety of apparel and accessories. Our screen printing presses have a six-color maximum. The maximum print size is 15” by 18”.
    Embroidery: Embroidery is a high-speed sewing process by which decorative needlework is sewn directly onto a garment. This process is increasingly popular because of its professional appearance and strong durability. It is now the application choice for sport shirts, caps, bags, and outerwear.
    Heat Transfer: The process of transferring images to a large variety of products without inks or screens is possible with Heat Transfer Technology. It’s fast and easy. One of this industry’s main applications for using the heat-transfer process is transferring vinyl numbers/names onto sports jerseys or other apparel.
  9. How do you want artwork sent?
    Artwork should be in vector format. Preferred design applications are Corel Draw, Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. Some others might be supported. Please click here to upload your artwork. Additional charges apply if we have to vector and/or digitize your art. The art needs to be 200 dpi or better. 300 dpi is recommended. Web page artwork is only 72 dpi and is not suitable for printing. Complete specifications can be complicated. Contact us to discuss additional file requirements and what types of files you have.
  10. Does the price change per garment item when you mix sizes?
    As long as the sizes are between XS-XL, the price does not change per garment item. XXL and up garments are $2.00 extra per item, per size increase.
  11. Do you have minimum quantities?
    We prefer to have a minimum of 12 pieces for screen printing and 6 pieces for embroidery, but we will make exceptions in some instances.
  12. Do you offer personalized promotional products?
    Yes, promotional products are easily affordable and leave a long-lasting impression. It’s the perfect solution for promoting your company image. With thousands of imprintable products to choose from, we’ll work to find the one that’s right for you at the best price.
  13. Can you print on custom areas of the shirt or just standard front and back?
    Yes, we can print your custom logo or image almost anywhere on a garment. Additional charges may apply.

Didn’t answer your question? Contact us by phone at 440-942-5200 or e-mail at [email protected] and our friendly staff will answer all your questions within 24 hours.

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